
via Daily Prompt: Fortune


When God looks at you,

And showers His grace on you,

You get the accreditation,

To design your own future. .

When God looks at you,

And showers His love on you,

You move from darkness to light,

And your life shines nice and bright.

When God looks at you,

And showers His blessings on you,

You tide over the misfortunes,

And spell your own fortune.

My dear friends,

God is omnipresent,

And is always showering His grace, love and blessings on you,

So, have faith, stay blessed and experience plenty of good fortune !!



Let’s Extend Our Territory

via Daily Prompt: Territory


PC :


Country, States, Cities, we mark our geographical boundaries.

I, me, mine, we mark our physical boundaries.

Each soul, encased in a body, marking it’s territory, protecting it, trying to keep it safe and secure…

But, there’s only one world, one universe, one globe, one power, one sun, one moon – No territories, No boundaries. We are all bound by all that is “ONE”, which proves that we are one species, the human species, with different souls and different bodies.

Let’s celebrate the “ONENESS” and be open to the gift of universal love and affection.

Let’s receive, let’s project and let’s give out love….beyond me and mine. Let’s extend our territory.

Fone Free Day – An Initiative


Apologies, for not writing an update earlier. Had busy days, the past two days, couldn’t get on to post.

As Pradita had mentioned in her blog Fone Free Day – An Initiative, an initiative to go off your phone on the last sunday of the month.

The past Sunday which went by, was my first step towards this initiative. I am not against technology, but the sight of every family member staring into a device while conversing, or no free flowing communication happening in families anymore, really puts me off.  As my dear friend, Pradita shared my views, we came up with this idea of starting this initiative.

As for my personal experience, on Sunday, I was at a small function with the extended family. It pained me to see that, after exchanging the initial pleasentries, people, most of them, (probably, by force of habit) chose to converse with their “smart phone”, and not the so “smart people” 😦

Though, I’m not personally hooked on or addicted to any particular device, I had to stop myself, trying to pick up the phone in a ten minute break, just to check any updates on WordPress or Whatsapp. Did get some additional time, to do some cleaning up, a long overdue activity.

Thanks to all my dear good friends for the support. Let us all join hands together, to promote the human communication.

Hope to see you all, join this initiative. 🙂


The elixir of Life..

via Daily Prompt: Elixir


Our life, can be compared to a comic book… which has a elixir of experiences, which is prescribed for us as per requirement…

Some sweet, some salty,

Some moderate, some naughty,

Some happy, some sad,

Some which drive us totally mad.

Each experience is a tonic,

Which is exclusive and exotic,

Required for our growth,the symptoms of which are chronic,

Customized and prescribed individually, at His clinic.

The doses of elixir may differ,

Some of which might be bitter,

With each dose we march ahead,

To experience the life spread !!



Are you extra ordinary?

via Daily Prompt: Ordinary


IC : Pixabay

As a matter of fact, we are all ordinary human beings. There are billions in the world, and we  are just a drop in the ocean, just one of them. We often take ourselves for granted and do not realize our true potential. We do the mundane jobs and tag ourselves with stress and modern lifestyle ailments.

To think of  all the extra ordinary feats, a Mahatma Gandhi, or a Mother Teresa or a Nelson Mandela  achieved, being ordinary human beings? Human beings are no ordinary beings, they are extra ordinary. If they operated at maximum efficiency, they could even pluck the stars, and the above names are an example of that.

Similarly, if you take the example of mother nature, we take it so much for granted, we consider it as ordinary..we don’t realize her value..mountains, trees, rivers..are all there.. But have you ever thought of the tree, which bears the fruit never consumes it, always gives it, the river which carries water, never drinks it, it always flows to serve others. How extra ordinary is that? If we could have a combination of an efficient human being and a forever giving nature inspired by Mother nature, the quality of life on this planet would be unimaginable…

If we could even, become aware of what we are capable of and live in harmony with nature, we can provide for the rest of the living species, and still have ample of it, then we could rename our earth as ‘heaven’, isn’t it?

I’m Thankful for the tag.

Hi All,

A big thank you to Pradita Kapahi from The Pradita Chronicles for my very first tag. I’m just feeling excited, typing this out.

Pradita’s blogs are exceptional and I simply love her blogs. Her command over the language and her way with words flow so freely and it’s from the heart. I am amazed at her ability to do so. Please do visit her blogs at

Now for the rules of the game –

  1. Name 3 things you are thankful for
  2. Nominate some fellow bloggers to continue the TAG
  3. Device a logo for your tag.

The 3 things I’m thankful for..

  1. My health – Health is wealth, so goes the saying and I’m a strong believer of this. If you are healthy, you can achieve anything in life. If your health fails you, your dreams, your ambitions will just remain so and will make you stressful and anxious. So health is number 1 priority.
  2.  My present – I’m thankful for my present life. I feel, it’s a present to me from the almighty. He has placed me comfortably well, with a loving and caring family to fall back upon, wonderful kids and a bunch of good friends. 🙂
  3. My followers : Yes, my followers on my blogs, and the likes and comments inspire me and help me think through different aspects of life through different perspectives. I thank each and every one of you for being there to read and appreciate my work. A big hug to all of you.


I nominate the following fellow bloggers for this tag.

Sheetal, Priya Pandian, Malini, Namratha D Prabhakar, Karthik, Fortunately Human and Reena Saxena

My logo for the tag.



Thanks a lot for reading. Have a nice day 🙂


via Daily Prompt: Minimal


Every person has a right,

To live life to the optimal,

Keeping pricks and hurtful

words to the minimal.

It’s one life,

Why live with a strife ?

Seek and give  forgiveness,

Seek and project  love,

Be aware, and reduce the hurtful words you send,

For it is very difficult to sew and mend,


A broken heart, which has to keep up till the very end.


Pic courtesy : Pixabay

What’s your Label

via Daily Prompt: Label


We often become judgemental about people and label them or tag them in varied ways…cute, haughty, angry, proud, rude, funny, so full of himself, stubborn, grumpy, irritable….. and then, we base all our future communication with that person having that judgement as a base in our mind.

Have you ever thought of what is your label ? Have you ever labelled or given a tag to yourself ? What would your label read ? A point to introspect…..