Growing Wings.. November Writing Prompt #4


Everyday, I am growing wings,

Little by little, when I fight my fears, and go beyond,

When I prod myself to lift my spirits, and move on.

Everyday, I am growing wings,

Little by little, when I become aware, of my limitations,

And work on burying them, to make a mark from there on.

Everyday, I am growing wings,

Little by little, when I learn, from my experiences and carry on,

Leaving the erroneous happenings behind, to make fresh beginnings, to live life full on !!

I am growing wings, to propel me a little higher,

From where I stand today,

To a newer, fresher and higher beginning,

To make a mark for each new day !

In response to  Free Verse Revolution Weekly Challenge.

Past vs Present…

For many past generations,

Life was simple, without many complications,

From milking the cows,

To farming with ploughs.

From rearing a family of eight to ten,

With meagre and minimum resources to sustain,

Providing decent education,

And simple dressing for occasions,

Hiding difficulties, strains, aches and pains,

Rightfully earning, every single grain,

Adorning a beautiful and loving smile,

Serving one and all, going that extra mile.

These are the memories, I have,

Which date back to to the time and lifestyle of my grandparents days,

The memories shine bright to date,

Unlike the days of the present.

Those days,

When there was no stress of obesity, fads of diets,

No frills and fancies of rice or millets.

No chronic lifestyle diseases to worry about,

Walking or maybe, cycling was the only means to move about.

No televisions, only conversations,

No Shopping complexes, malls or play stations,

No Patisseries, only small time bakeries,

When, life was simple and people were approachable.

I miss the fun games of teacher teacher, darkroom and cousins gathering,

I miss the days of simple, balanced and healthy living.

To end,

I would just quote, the famous Hindi Song,

‘Koi lauta de mere beete hue din,

beete hue din, woh mere pyaare palchin

Would love to hear from you all about your thoughts.

Pic courtesy : Internet


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