


Innocent like a little baby,

Attractive like a little sequin,

Resplendent like a magnificent ruby,

Elegant like a beautiful queen.

Oh roses ! You match the traits of a majestic warrior,

Bunched together, you are an ambassador of best wishes and peace,

You transcend all religions and cross barriers with ease,

You are sublimity personified at His feet !!






The Bride..

She wakes up with a golden hue, as the sun rays first kisses the demure blue sky,

With a blush of orange and a shade of red, perfectly donned to be a newly wed bride,

Displaying the fresh green leafy springy attire, swaying and dancing to the numbers of  the beloved breeze through the day,

Luminous, magnificent, mesmerizing flowers adding beauty to natures play.

Metamorphosing into a tangerine glow for the evening show,

Undulating balmy waves adding to capture her beautiful glow,

Changing hues, changing attires, changing appearances that please the eye,

From dawn to dusk, the bride gets into a somber slumber, bidding goodbye,

To the fierce golden  star, deep in thought, laying on the pillow of twinkling stars,

Waiting for the break of dawn, to brighten her day, and don a new avatar !!


Mama’s delicacies..

No brand, no hype,

Pure love in every bite,

Sweets and savories,

Lip smacking delicacies,

Yummy bakes, hot from the oven,

Diving right into our wide open mouths, entering by the dozen,

Bigger bite up for grabs, siblings ready to lay the snare,

The last bit of crumbs from the tray, we wouldn’t want to share.

I’m sure you had magic flowing in your hands,

For it looked as simple as waving a magic wand,

 Mom, I guess, our crunchy bites were music to your ears,

I’m sure, for once, looking at us fighting for our share, you would smile ear to ear,

For no money can buy the pleasure and satisfaction derived thus,

Today, I confer upon you, the title  of “COOKING GENIUS”.



Dedicated to my lovely mom ❤