My thoughts..

Sometimes, my thoughts translate into blurbs,. A part of my vocabulary, spills out,. Breaking out into a piece of prose or a an imaginative poetry….

Sometimes, my thoughts translate into action,. A part of me, performs some deeds,. Adding to my list of Karma, good or bad….

Sometimes, my thoughts translate into words,. A part of me, voices the thoughts into words,. Making it a part of my language…

Sometimes, I realise whatever I do,. Is totally in me, in my control, My writings, my actions, my language are mine, they are all just mine and I can choose them all…

My thoughts can take me on a long drive into the future,. Or they can rewind and play scenes from my past,. But I can choose the road to take or the film to watch, now and this moment, today..

A realisation dawned, and hopefully, will be fulfilled too 😊

Bunch of flowers..

My tryst with digital painting continues.. Am enjoying it. The results are not always to my liking, But I had to make a beginning….

I was in two minds, to share or not to share this..

Would like to hear from you all.. your thoughts…