Smart phone to the ‘rescue’


For once, I happen to be on the other side of the grass.  After coming across various posts, articles and many write ups on the downside of smart phones, having promoted a year long initiative of being ‘hands free’, & ‘phone free’ on  Sundays, trying to convey to people, how phones actually disrupts our lives, gets us addicted, I did actually see a ‘smart’ positive side to the smart phone.

It’s a given that we all own a smart phone and it has become an integral part of our lives. It’s something like quick sand and like it or not, we are stuck half way down there getting pulled by apps for everything. Can’t live with it, and can’t live without it either.

The other day, when I was conversing with my teenage daughter, who was under the pressure of various examinations, she just flared up like a volcano for no obvious reason. Of course, I felt bad, but luckily, I walked out of the room without confronting her.

With a little contemplative, heavy and thought laden brain, I just picked up my ‘smart’ phone, texted to her what I actually wanted to converse with her. Chatted through the ‘smart guy’ mediating our talks, resolved the issue and had a peaceful night sleep.

I couldn’t thank the smart fella enough for coming to my rescue and easing out the situation.

Any such experiences with you guys? Do text them !!

What is your sneeze type ?

We all sneeze, and sneeze for the same reason – when some external irritants like dust, smoke, pollution, wind causes particles to enter our nose. The brain then sends a signal to get rid of them and we reciprocate by the act of sneezing.

The action of sneezing, being the same, I am often left wondering why there are different types of sneezes..The ones which I have noticed around are…

The loud ones, which often scares you out of your wits, more so, imagine, when you are deeply engrossed in a movie with a bowl of popcorn…the rest of the popcorn is history 🙂

The not so loud ones, but with a sprinkler of droplets of saliva spraying around 😦 (we had a teacher in grade 9, where the front benchers often experienced this. Luckily, for me, my height made me a back bencher, Phew !!( Small mercies of life:) )

The tiny e-sneezes, (where you hardly realize that a person near you has just sneezed), similar to the buzz of a notification on a smart phone.

The machine gun sneeze, multiple sneezes in a single bout of sneeze.

I’m sure, you would have many more types to add to the list above. Do list them out !


We are often in a hurry, running around, looking to get hold of something….At such times, PAUSE for a while, and we shall FIND.

We are so caught up in the to do’s, chatter of the little hero in our head, gossip, arguments and the like, in the process we forget to listen to that little voice within us. We do not listen to our heart. At such times, we need to stop TALKING and we will LISTEN.

We are stressed at times, not knowing what to do, how to proceed, at the verge of a break down, such times are meant to pull us UP, so stop CRIBBING and we shall SMILE.

Stressful lives, throws all the requisites of politeness, gratitude, simplicity out of the window. A smile, a mindful prayer, a positive thought, a deep breath can all be at our doorstep. STOP YELLING and we will meet SILENCE. 

We need to leave the comforts of a mothers womb to ARRIVE in this world, and we need to LET GO of the world, to arrive and go beyond.


My random ramblings..Some feelings, some thoughts. Please share to let me know what you feel and what are your thoughts.