When Mother Earth said # Me Too..


When the Axes started swinging and made contact with innocent,all caring, all providing trees, When there was massive deforestation world wide in the name of development, the homes of many living creatures were destroyed. They all cried and said # Me Too.., but we didn’t listen..we continued with our “progress”.

When the Glaciers started to melt for more than half a century due to rising temperatures, there was a loud shout out, #Me Too.., we didn’t pay heed.

When the rivers, seas and oceans were polluted with plastic and garbage, the water bodies, the marine creatures cried foul and said # Me Too..,we were too busy to hear their pleads for mercy.

The assault on the gigantic high mountain ranges are no exception to the cries of # Me Too..we ignored..

The water tables are continually depleting, and the water sources drying up, droughts hitting nations, crops failing, cries of # Me Too..playing loud, but we are all in the non audible zone to hear the cries of Mother Earth..

When the going became tough and beyond tolerance, the Mother took charge to unleash her fury in the form of devastating Tsunamis, cyclones, incessant rains in retaliation to the brutal assaults and abuses meted out to her by the human species in the name of constant development..but, when such natural calamities happen, we plead helplessness and become humble, and then they just become memories, till the next one happens…

I do hope the human “beings” wake up from the deep slumber to listen to the cries of Mother Earth and bring about an awakening within each individual and create a revolution to save our Mother.



The Life Tree

via Daily Prompt: Edible

A tree begins it’s journey from a tiny seed. Sprouting from the seed is a life, which has the potential to go on to become a huge, gigantic and mammoth tree. With care and nurturing it grows into a tiny sapling, dancing and swaying to the tunes of the wind. With love and care, it grows slowly and steadily to leap towards the sky and mature into a huge tree, to bear edible fruits, to withstand the strong winds, provide shelter and stand tall to provide life to the creatures and beings on the soil.

I often feel, there is a huge connect between humans and the trees. If I could draw an analogy, it would read, the human tree of LIFE. The conception of a human life, germinating from a sperm and an egg (could be compared to that of a seed), a little child coming to life (a tiny sapling), with care and nurturing, growing to be an adult ( a mature tree experiencing life) experiencing many facets and branching to different directions, bearing off springs (tree bearing fruits), providing for children, parents financially and otherwise (trees providing food, shelter etc).

And one fine day, it’s time to bid adieu, after offering our services and taking care of our duties, we are off the list, to begin the journey into another sphere of life !!