Daily Prompt: Relocate

via Daily Prompt: Relocate


From the day I was born and joined my large family of people on this planet, I have grown to be, who I am today. To reach this stage in life, I have had to relocate umpteen times, physically, emotionally, maturity wise, experience wise and otherwise.

From childhood reveries, I had to relocate my base to being a studious student, I quite didn’t fit into it so easily, all the same, that was the only choice available.

Growing up from being a student to a teenager was a different ballgame. Had envisioned the world from the protected environs of home. Never imagined, anything bad or detrimental to people or the world. But slowly things changed..broadening the spheres of imaginations by the happenings and events around the world, got to learn that all is not hunky dory.

Physically and emotionally relocated after marriage, being severed from my home for so many years, was not easy. And I actually did learn that marriage is an institution, which requires me to emotionally relocate my priorities from time to time.

Motherhood, was yet another such instance. The huge responsibility landing on my shoulders, was definitely a stepping stone to my growth. I relocated and relived my life again, along with my children and still continue doing so everyday. I do have my share of disagreements with my kiddos, but I do try to pack my emotional baggage at the end of day, dump it in a trash can and start afresh the next morning, not as effortless as it sounds, but yes, being aware and cleaning up gives a lot of peace. This makes a tiny shift in me each day and I am, actually relocating inch by inch to meet a new “ME” every  day, and am still growing !!

21 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Relocate

  1. chim326

    I am not even married yet or have children. I already find change to difficult. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for you and how strong you have to be deal with it.

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  2. I absolutely loved this heartfelt post and the way you used the word relocate. I so agree with you about having to relocate even our emotional priorities that too repeatedly …sometimes even losing a sense of self. You give a very positive conclusion in how you remedy this and arrive Home of Me on a daily basis.

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