
From a tiny little infant, to a naughty mischievous child, to a mature grown up individual, you are well aware of your worldly commitments, purpose and journey of life.


Let us undertake a journey, a little different, a journey that takes you inward, deep within to interact with the real you. A journey which awakens you from the deep hypnotic slumber of life,

To discover, the purpose of your soul and your life,

To discover, the treasure of inner beauty that lies untapped within you,

To discover, the joy and peace buried within you,

To discover, the hope, faith and belief embedded in you,

To discover, the quiet warrior in you,who helps you conquer your own limitations,

To discover, and connect with your own higher self, the silence, the creator

To discover and experience the mystery, magic, ecstasy, bliss and

Discover the NEW YOU.





Image Courtesy : Pixabay

8 thoughts on “Discover

  1. gururaghavendrasevashrama

    Such inspiring words! A new experience?

    The journey into oneself, into the realms of enlightenment .

    Tread you pilgrim, in the path that leads to a world anew.

    ” Seek and ye shall find”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful, Deepika! Such lovely thoughts so beautifully expressed!
    We have so much more potential than we believe we do. There are certain situations that let you discover that inner potential you always had and was never aware of it. When I read it out to my son, he immediately related this to the ‘Hanuman’ in Ramayana who is never aware of the powers he possesses.
    You have a treasure of thoughts that will keep us inspired this New Year! Keep them coming 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Author Interview – Amanda Roberts – The Roots of the Tree | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

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