The Sun-Flowers

PC : Internet Images

Kissing the horizon, are the beaming sun rays,
Oh! What a beautiful sight, to gaze,
The gigantic and radiant sun, slowly rising up,
Cajoling and coaxing the sleepy world to wake up..

Announcing it’s arrival, at the break of dawn,
The sleepy sunflowers snuggling to each other, with a yawn,
The motherly sky, lighting up and changing into her morning attire,
When the little sunflower maidens, gently inquire..
Could we nap a little longer,
We are still very sleepy, and would cherish some more slumber,
Peeping through their little baby eyes,
They are in for a huge surprise,
Catching a glimpse of the sun in all its splendor,
The little sunflowers, meander, to salute the sun in majestic grandeur !!

17 thoughts on “The Sun-Flowers

  1. Poetry is the tool to engrave things of beauty,Your play with the words has the pirouette of the graceful ballet dancer.

    The rising sun,… the murmur of the sunflowers,… their yawn, their languor,…. the lighting up of the sun, the flowers rising up from their snooze…. to the crescendo of sunlight ,

    What a theme for a symphony…..,a ballet


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