Let go : Release


via Daily Prompt: Release

Fist, Liberate, Change, Freedom

IC :  Pixabay.com

To release, is something, which does not come naturally to us humans. We have the tendency to hold on to things, people, wealth, thoughts, life & so on..

I guess, this tendency stems from the fact that if we release the hold, we lose control.

The fear of losing something, makes us hold on to, and we get entwined and entangled in life, like the roots of a tree.

If only, we could all,

Release the aches and pains,

Release the thoughts that refrain,

Release the unexpressed emotions,

Release and let go of the pent up frustration,

Break open the shackles and chains,

Tied up, within, to hold us back in vain,

Release the fears and unwanted self imposed restrictions,

To liberate the stress and accumulated apprehensions.

To free up and create space within,

And release the dormant energy within,

Let go of the unfulfilled incompletions,

Scan ourselves, to release the unwanted,

Detox our mind, and achieve all that we wanted.

Let us release, when we still have energy and Life.

We do not have another chance,

For, when we let go of our breath, we release our life.




12 thoughts on “Let go : Release

  1. Pingback: Author Interview – Cecelia Wilson – “Back to Bremen” (Non-Fiction/History/WWII) | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

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