Sailing Ships..

via Daily Prompt: Shallow

IC :


A ship sails through the ups and downs in the waters of nature.

When the water is still, the ship moves silently, requires no skill,

When the water is deep and rough, the sail is tough.

So, sails the ship through the ups and downs of waters, keeping it’s mast high.

Sailing through the waters of life is the “relation”ship, which goes through its share of ups and downs..

When the waters of life  is still and silent, all is well and the sail is reliant,

When the water is rough, the heart is scuffed and has to deal with stuff,

When the waters are shallow, the relationship has no depth and is all hollow,

When the waters are deep, the relationship stands the tests of time, with love present to seep,

So, sails the “relation”ship through the ups and downs of life, keeping its head high !!

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