माँ की ममता


मेरी ज़िन्दगी में आये 

तुम नन्ही सी जान बनकर ,

खूब खेली मै तुम्हारे संग।,

बदल गए मेरी ज़िन्दगी के रंग.


अभी आये ही थे, और यूँही चल दिए,

एक बार तो सोचा होता,

कैसे जियेगी माँ मेरे बिन 

चला गया अगर मैं युहीं एक दिन 


तुम्हारे यादों के सहारे जीती हूँ,

ना ज़िंदा हूँ, ना मरती हूँ,

तुम्हारी यादें हैं मेरा गहना 

जिसे संजोकर मैंने है पहना 


कभी पहेली बनकर रुलाए 

कभी सहेली बनकर सहलाए

कभी मन ही मन मुस्काऊं 

कभी गहरी सोच में पड़ जाऊं 


तुमसे जुडी हर चीज़ संभाल कर रखी हैं मैंने,

तुम्हारी तस्वीरों से बातें करी हैं मैंने 

तुम्हे हर लम्हा, हर पल ढूंढे ये माँ के नैन,

जब नज़र आये तू कहीं, हो जाती हूँ बेचैन 


अब दूर  आसमान में तारों को देखकर सोचूं,

कब मैं तुम्हारे संग तारा बन जाऊँ 

खूब बाते करेंगे और खेलेंगे एक दूजे के संग,

बदल देंगे हम फिर से ज़िन्दगी के रंग 


इसी आस में बैठी हूँ दिन रात,

तुझसे मिलकर कर लेती दिल की बात ,

तू है कहाँ ,ज़रा बता दे एक बार 

एक झप्पी  तो दूँ तुझे, करलूँ जी भरके  प्यार




Mothers Love

You came into my life

As a new born baby,

I played a lot with you,

You truly changed the way I live.


You had just arrived, and you just left,

How I wish you thought about me just once,

How would I ever live without you

If you left this world one fine day


I live with your memories,

I’m neither living, nor dead,

Your memories are my only jewelery,

Which I adorn very carefully


You bring tears to my eyes, you puzzle me

You wipe my tears, being my friend you cajole me,

I smile to myself and I am lost in deep thoughts about you.


I have treasured, everything that once belonged to you,

I have held your photograph, and I have talked to you for days.

I keep searching and looking for you,

I become restless when I am unable to find you,.


I gaze at the stars in the sky,

I’m longing to join you there up in the sky,

We will talk and play with each other all over again,

We’ll truly change our lives and live again.


I am longing to meet you,all day and all night

I want to convey  my feelings to you,

Just once, tell me where you are,

Let me just give you a hug and love you with all my heart.







22 thoughts on “माँ की ममता

  1. I am an emotional guy.. I read your poem both in Hindi and English. I sat back with moist eyes.
    A mothers sorrow .at losing her most valuable and dear young one ……..There is no other sorrow as deep as that.
    Grief can be devastating. These lines hit one with the force of a sledge hammer..
    ” I live with your memories,
    I’m neither living, nor dead,
    Your memories are my only jewelery,
    Which I adorn very carefully”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. am an emotional guy.. I read your poem both in Hindi and English. I sat back with moist eyes.
    A mothers sorrow .at losing her most valuable and dear young one ……..There is no other sorrow as deep as that.
    Grief can be devastating. These lines hit one with the force of a sledge hammer..
    ” I live with your memories,
    I’m neither living, nor dead,
    Your memories are my only jewelery,
    Which I adorn very carefully”


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