
via Daily Prompt: Seriousness


One day, just as I finished bathing my little 6 year old daughter, and was dressing her up, with all seriousness she asked me..”Mom, everybody has a moustache right, whether its a boy or a girl? I was taken aback by her innocent question, all the same, I tried my best to answer her question.  Girls have a very little growth on the upper lip, which is barely visible, while for boys/men its a dense growth of hair and is called a moustache.

She was quite fascinated by what she heard and said, “mama, I like a Moustache, and I should’ve had one”. To which, I said, should’ve been a boy. You should’ve asked God to make you a boy. Why did you choose to be a girl? Now, the ball was in her court, and she replied “You know what mama? Actually, I was supposed to be a boy, but God told me that if I choose to be a girl, I would have the best mummy in the whole world, so I chose to be a girl”.

Awww.. as with her question, I was equally enthralled with her answer. My journey of talks with my little one -from a moustache to the best mummy… a child’s innocent conversation always fills my heart with love and emotion.

21 thoughts on “Seriousness

      1. Thank you, Deepika! So very sweet of you to ask. Had been away for a week to visit my mom who was unwell. Glad I stayed with her and now she is recovering very well.
        Absolutely, Deepika! I want to freeze every beautiful moment, all the silliness, all the ‘wrongly pronounced words’ and the craziness of my little ones to revisit it when they are older. Such a sweet post. Please hug your sweet Little Princess for me!

        Liked by 1 person

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