
via Daily Prompt: Uneven


Life is a game,

Unevenly poised,

It is always, never the same,

With situations, you cannot avoid.

At times uneven at times odd,

At times, you are toatally stumped,

Googlys and sixers, goals and fouls,

Creating a path, to meet your soul.

Losing a game, you learn,

Winning a game, you yearn,

Either ways you go,

To reach new heights, you grow.

With each game, you come out wiser and strong,

Experience, is your teacher lifelong,

It’s all a game of life and mind,

You learn to move forward, never to look behind.

13 thoughts on “Uneven

  1. Aha, perhaps the city planners had this in mind… when designing the city roads… no wonder they are so uneven….
    Yes, Life is uneven, unplanned and mystic… and your post brings this out beautifully..in a poetic way to top it all…

    Liked by 1 person

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